Wushi Pets
Pet Name: Hoshi
Element: Air | Earth | Water | Fire Meet Hoshi, the adorable baby dragon who's excited to join you on your Wushi Land adventure! Hoshi is a loyal friend who is always by your side in moments of challenge and triumph, with his scaly fur and bright eyes full of curiosity.
Hoshi has unique abilities that allow him to illuminate the darkest parts of the path with his comforting fire, providing guidance and safety in dangerous situations. Being close to you makes him a trustworthy companion, always ready to help and shield you when things get tough.
Furthermore, Hoshi is adept at acquiring new skills and is eager to grow and develop alongside you. He becomes even more formidable with each challenge overcome and victory achieved.
Pet Name: Fairy
Element: Air Meet Fairy, the charming fairy who will be your loyal companion in the enchanted forest of Wushi Land. She offers protection and assistance on your journey with her shimmering wings and magical aura.
She is an excellent advisor and loyal friend, in addition to her ability to defend. With her wisdom and intuition, she guides your steps, revealing hidden secrets and sharing ancestral knowledge that only a forest fairy could possess.
The Fairy is more than just a pet; she is an essential part of your journey in Wushi Land, a reliable ally who is always by your side to face dangers and enjoy the wonders of the enchanted forest.
Pet Name: Woody Element: Earth (coming soon)
Pet Name: Yuki Element: Water (coming soon)
Pet Name: Meimei Element: Fire (coming soon)
Last updated